The title of the day has always confused me. It’s called Labor Day and yet it’s supposed to be a break from our labor.
And, of course, some will work today. When I was in retail this was a busy day. Thank you to our emergency personnel and hospital workers and those that keep our commerce and lifestyles going today.
But, something tells me you need the day off — or a day off — as much as I do. If there is anything Americans are not good at its rest. It might be the one command of the 10 commandments we dishonor the most.
I wonder if that’s one reason we are so tense with each other all the time — but, I’ll save that thought for another post.
I read the following in this mornings Denison report:
Americans work too much. In the U.S., 85.8 percent of men and 66.5 percent of women work more than 40 hours per week. We work 100 more hours per year than the Japanese, and 250 more hours per year than the British. What about the work-obsessed Germans? We work 500 more hours per year than they do. We take less vacation time than other nations, work longer days, and retire later. If anyone needs a Labor Day;to cease from labor, it’s us.
(I highly recommend the Denison Report as a resource for pastors.)
Saddest of all — we often celebrate it as “the American Way”. We call it progress. Efficiency.
But, it may be causing more harm than good. Personally and collectively.
If I’m going to write a post like this I have to point four fingers back any direction I point one finger to others. I could easily be accused of being a workaholic.
Years ago, however, I learned a secret. It’s a secret about myself I believe is probably a secret about you. If I will shut down one day – and periodically shut down for several days – I am far more effective when I am working. It’s a key to long-term success.
When I go to long periods without resting I am more tempted towards burnout, anxiety, and even depression. I’m not as much fun to be around and I worry more than I pray. (Again, could this be a reason we are so tense with each other at times? — again, another post.)
It’s like God knew what He was doing when He issued the command.
Don’t misunderstand, I’m still very much American when it comes to my work ethic. I work far more than 40 hours a week. But, when I shut down – – I try to shut down. I’m not perfect at it (and I have to read this in case my wife still reads this blog), but I’m getting better with age.
Do you need a break? Do you need to invest in yourself?
I highly recommend the practice. Even if you have to work today – schedule your own “Labor Day” soon – and often.
And, I can’t even take credit for the idea.
Happy Labor Day!
You may want to read how I protect my Sabbath.
The post We Need A Labor Day – Frequently appeared first on Ron Edmondson.